Connect and Activate Your Vibrant Wellness Within With Kiko Vitals  

Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance

Your body is the most valuable thing you have. It truly is your temple – where you go to seek inner messages from your inner voice and your built-in intuition. It is a place that provides answers, and it yearns to be looked after. Kiko Vitals helps you do this.

Kiko Vitals is designed explicitly through divine feminine intuition to achieve glowing radiance, inside and out.

KV products are made using the highest-quality natural ingredients in the perfect quantity so that the female body can absorb them easily due to their unique physiology. Their products harness the healing powers that have origins in ancient times and are relevant for the modern woman. The modern woman wants to reawaken her inner self, connect with her superpowers, and nourish her body. To love oneself from the inside out is to activate radical self-love.

Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance

A women’s intuition is strong.

Women go through so many stages and phases. Our hormones go on a journey, one that is ever-winding, ever-changing and turns many corners. Kiko Vitals recognises this and wants to go on this journey with you. Kiko is devoted to women tuning into their cycles, understanding their periods, and healing their symptoms, naturally.

Some of the things to consider along the path of womanhood are:

-Maintaining hormone balance

-Hormonal acne

-Post-pill turmoil



-Womb health

-Regulating menstrual cycles


Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance

Kiko has formulated Hormone Balance:

It was created to relieve the effects of issues linked to the female cycle, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), menopause, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), endometriosis, weight gain, acne, and more.

Hormone Balance capsules contain only natural ingredients:

Inositol, dandelion root and vitex (chaste berry), magnesium, ashwagandha, red raspberry leaf, dong Quai, zinc and Vitamin E and B Complex (B6, B3, B5).
Results: Reduced PMS symptoms, a better quality of sleep, improved energy and mood, clearer skin and less bloating.

Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

On the 28th of May, every year, a global movement sheds light on the stigmatisation and exclusion of women simply because of how their bodies were designed and function. Menstruation is the most natural bodily function, necessary for the fertilisation of eggs (for us to procreate), yet it continues to prevent women from achieving fundamental things:

-a proper education,

-a living wage,

-participation, at an equal level to men, with day-to-day activities.

Kiko Vitals Hormone Balance

The overarching theme this year for Menstrual Hygiene Day is #WeAreCommitted. It’s all about owning womanhood, being connected to our menstrual cycle, being proud of our bodies – all shapes and sizes – and not allowing our natural functions to hold us back from reaching our full potential.

Their cause is committed to:

-Breaking down the taboos and stigma attached to menstruation,
-raising awareness and educating those from low-income areas,
-as well as mobilising funding needed for action at scale.

Kiko Vitals supports these commitments and will make menstruation a simple fact of life by 2030. By actively participating in the fight against period poverty, Kiko contributes a percentage of its proceeds to schoolgirls that cannot afford primary sanitary care.

No woman should be held back because she menstruates. Period.

Kiko is an all-natural ingredients product made by women for women.

Their products are Vegan, Gluten-Free and GMO-Free.
All their packagings are 100% recyclable, so they don’t harm our oceans.

Visit their website at to purchase Hormone Balance.

Contact Lorinda Voges at Elvee Consultancy for product reviews, interviews & features on Kiko Vitals and owner Kerri-Lee Taylor.