LIFE Grand Cafe’s Women’ Day lunch

In August 2017 I had the opportunity to host LIFE Grand Cafe’s Women’ Day lunch at V&A Waterfront in celebration of 25-years of Women’s Day in South Africa with some exceptional women of worth.

LIFE Grand Café gave so many women and me the platform to celebrate our womanhood and for allowing us to step into our power.

LIFE Grand Cafe's Women' Day lunch

If I look back at my own personal life, it is with awe to see how we far we have come as women. It has been centuries where we as women have been ruled by this crazy man-ruled world where women had to prove our worth, power and abilities. It is empowering to see how we gradually became stronger, harder and more resistant.

Each of us has that one ideal woman in her mind, whose speeches and words of encouragement have become her slogans of life. Personally, I have a few. They are Maira – the owner of LIFE Grand Café, her sister Vicky Crease and many other exceptional women that crossed my path and helped empower me to own myself, have a voice.

I do, however, think that the person that helped me crossed over to many other sides have been Elizabeth Gilbert – the author of Eat, Pray Love. Her book and her journey, especially in Eat, Pray Love encouraged me to start traveling 6 years ago. Most of those journeys were single, in search of myself. Along the way, I found direction, made some pivotal decisions and got the courage to stand tall – despite the diversity and the extreme sensitive soul I am.

She shared in Eat Pray Love an  ancient Indian Yogic text that stayed with me; it says: “it is better to live your destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.”

It was truly empowering and refreshing to share an afternoon with women who celebrated their imperfections but also their journey in honesty with the guests that attended.

This event would have not been possible without our main sponsors Veuve Cliquot and Europa Art as well as the stunning goody bag sponsors that spoiled each guest with beautiful gifts:

Justine Midnight Eau de Parfum, Bella Baci Cupping, Palmers, Skinceuticals, L’Oreal Skin, Maybelline and Kiss Nails.

#Skinceuticals #WomensLunch #BellaBaciCupping #EuropaArt #JustineMidnightEaudeParfum #Maybelline #LIFEGrandCafe #Palmers #VeuveCliquot #LorindasWorld #WomensMonth #KissNails