The Connection Between Gut Health, Hormones and Mental Health

The Connection Between Gut Health, Hormones and Mental Health

The Connection Between Gut Health, Hormones and Mental Health 

Healthy Gut and Happy Hormones means a Healthy Mind: 
Kiko Vitals Sheds Light on this Key Connection.

Kiko Vitals is the leading female-forward hormone balance brand in South Africa. It’s about taking care of your gut as if it were a second brain and acknowledging its role in regulating so many functions, not just the digestive system. Kiko understands that 80% of the most important hormones are secreted in the gut, and these hormones are related to the physical and functional changes we see and feel in our bodies daily. 

As Kiko Vitals does, you should, too, see your gut as one of the effective information-gathering systems in your body, linked intrinsically to the immune and endocrine systems. The gut absorbs nutrients from the food we eat, which helps the hormones your body needs, and expels the ones you don’t need. Having regular hormones helps to avoid battling pre- and post-natal depression, anxiety and PMS. 

PMS and PMDD are intrinsically linked to mental health. When there is an exacerbated imbalance of hormones, there is a negative knock-on effect on one’s overall state of mind, emotions and mental stability. Kiko Vitals wants its product to address this from the root of the problem: the gut. From here, the imbalance can be targeted, resulting in an equilibrium between gut health, hormones and mental health.

For women, the gut microbiome has a direct effect on the following:

• estrogen,

• hormones related to sleep

• stress

• thyroid

So, an unhealthy gut microbiome can throw your hormone balance off completely, negatively impacting so many unwanted health issues, such as hormonal disorders, allergies, low immunity, anxiety and depression.

Kiko Vitals Debloat + Gut Glow achieves incredible results in targeting the areas of our wellness that result in the feeling of heaviness, plus assists in the correct absorption of hormones. It aids the health of our microbiome. Our vast microbiomes can be found as part of the urogenital system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the eyes and the mouth. They play a key role in protection, digestion, production of vitamins, regulation of the immune function and metabolism of toxins.
Kiko Vitals sees the very delicate connection between hormones, the human brain, and our gut health. The communication between these three things is undeniably important – it influences the endocrine, nervous and immune systems. In essence, if your gut is unhealthy, you’ll likely suffer from mood swings, anxiety, lack of concentration and depression. When mental health should be top of mind, it is paramount that gut health should be just as important.

Every day, week and month of every year, we should all be mindful of our mental health and the mental health of our friends, family, and communities. Those suffering from mental health issues often do so quietly – either ashamed of their feelings or unaware of what they mean. 
October is Mental Health Awareness month, where we bring to light the darkness we feel in ourselves or others. The stigma and discrimination towards those suffering from mental health conditions are widespread and worrying.

People must be educated about mental health, starting with being aware that:

• There are an estimated 400 million people worldwide who suffer from neurological disorders or psychosocial problems.

• Depression and anxiety are the fourth leading cause of disability, with more women than men affected, estimating as many as one in every four women experience depressive episodes. 

• While common in people of any age, up to 50% of those who first experience depression will do so between the ages of 20 and 50. 

• More than 30% of women in South Africa experience pre- and post-natal depression.

Kiko Vitals Founder Kerri-Lee Taylor emphasises a holistic approach to happy hormones and what we can do to achieve the best balance possible. It comes down to having a healthy gut and several other ‘hormone hacks’ that benefit the quality of life daily. To nurture and find equilibrium between dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, we need to find the time to do things like:

• Meditating and exercise

• Walking in nature

• Making sure we complete an essential task

• Socialising with friends

• Hugging loved ones

Bring back your inner glow, become clear-headed and find joy by gently nurturing and nourishing your belly, body and brain. Watch health and balance flow back into all areas of your body by putting in all the things it needs to thrive while focussing on other ways to keep your hormones happy.