Become Mindful of Menstruation thanks to VitaminMe

Become Mindful of Menstruation thanks to VitaminMe

VitaminMe PMS Support

Every year on the 28th of May, there is a collective global awareness surrounding menstruation. Surprisingly, millions of women and girls worldwide are stigmatised and made to feel ashamed of something so ordinary and so natural. The date of this Global Day of Action was chosen based on menstrual cycles being an average of 28 days in length, and the month of May (the fifth month of the year) is linked to the average number of days women menstruate for.

The aim of this movement, not only on the 28th of May but all year round, is to:

+Create disruption surrounding taboos and end the stigma surrounding menstruation

+Raise awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, education about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities

+Mobilise the funding required for action at scale


Menstrual Hygiene Day brings together more than 800 organisations from a vast array of sectors, including non-profits, government agencies, and the media, to create awareness and kick start actions towards the end goal: by 2030, to live in a world where no woman is hindered because they menstruate.

VitaminMe Hormones

A Balancing Act: How to get Harmonious Hormones 

Our bodies contain chemicals known as hormones, which send messages throughout the body to function in various systems, including the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, they can become imbalanced – either level are too low or too high, and as it happens, the body needs a very precise level of hormones to function optimally. A slight offset can cause things to go awry, especially our menstrual cycle.

What are the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance?

The ‘hormone rollercoaster’ goes up and down at different times for different reasons. The most common stages are:

– puberty





According to which hormones are out of balance, symptoms may vary considering the cause of this fluctuation. Here are some to watch out for:

-irregular, light, or hefty periods

-hair loss


-weight gain

-hot flashes or night sweats

VitaminMe PMS Support

VitaminMe’s PMS Support + Hormone balance

VitaminMe’s formula combines Vitex agnus-castus tree, Hypericum perforatum and Angelica Sinensis that:

-Relieves PMS symptoms

-Reduces menstrual cycle irregularity

-Promotes healthy hormone balance

Key ingredients:

Angelica Sinensis

Angelica Sinensis (Dong Quai or female ginseng) is a fragrant plant whose flowers have been used as a herbal medicine for over 2 000 years. Women may find it most beneficial in the post-natal period or during and after menstruation for related issues such as PMS, menopause and cramps.

Hypericum perforatum

Due to numerous bioactive compounds, Hypericum perforatum (St Johns Wort, a flowering plant known for its effectiveness in relieving physical and emotional PMS symptoms in women) effectively eases cramps and irritability, food cravings and breast tenderness.

Vitex agnus-castus tree

The Vitex agnus-castus tree (whose fruit and seeds are used as medicine to treat menstrual cycle issues such as breast pain and PMS) is native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. This herb decreases levels of the hormone prolactin, which helps rebalance other hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, thereby reducing PMS symptoms.

VitaminMe PMS Support


Try VitaminMe’s free online wellness assessment or book a complimentary 20-minute online personal consultation with their in-house nutritionist, who’ll advise you on the correct VitaminMe products to include in your daily wellness regime (as well as necessary dietary and lifestyle changes) to target a particular issue, such as PMS and hormone imbalance.

Shop PMS Support + Hormone balance

If you need additional information or visuals or are interested in reviewing this product, please contact Lorinda Voges at Elvee Consultancy.